Getting your property ready for sale

First impressions are critical when a prospective purchaser inspects your property.

One thing that will quickly turn off a potential buyer is a badly presented property.

You don't need to go to the extent of a major renovation, if your working with a budget,

but there are definitely things you can do to make your property more saleable. A well

Presented home will not only increase the potential price, but also the time in which it sells.

* Give the house a floor to ceiling clean. besides looking better there are some people who can't see past a dirty sink or dusty shelf.

* De-clutter. Keeping things simple in a property will help to showcase the space and features. Keep benches and walk ways clear as possible. Remove pet beds and bowls. 

* Get onto that garden. Unless your garden is a real selling feature, try to keep it simple and neat. 

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